I must be crazy! I never grew up! I am collecting the very miniature tiny little SQUINKIES. They are adorable. They are tiny little plastic thingies. Anyone interested in seeing what they are can go to I bought them at TARGET. I don’t know if they are available anywhere else. There must be over 100 different ones. I have about 75 already. I know I’m still a child at heart. I have them on the first shelf all lined up just in front of my computer!!!!!! Did I say how adorable they are? I am sending my grandchildren one each to see if there is any reaction. Of course if they like them I’ll send more.
Today is a day for messages. Hubby is suppose to play golf so I’m free. First I want to go to the clubhouse. They are displaying senior’s artwork so I want to see if they will show my two paintings I have here ready to go. If not I’ll have to put them in the storage room and take them back home as I don’t want them ruined.
Then I want to go to the Boca senior community center to pick up their brochures for activities going on there. Then I want to stop by and mail stuff to my grandchildren. I need to buy a Hanukah card for my son’s girlfriend. It will be late but better late than never. I want to go to AC MOORE and look around. I want to go to Barnes and Noble and relax and browse. I want to get a card for Michael Behenna the soldier the US has behind bars for killing the enemy. So I will be running around all day.
Yesterday it rained. I did the Wii for half hour. Hubby and I worked on the puzzle. He works a lot more than I do so we’ll soon need another one. I took my SIL to return her rental car. We stopped by Barnes and Noble for coffee but it was so crowded we sat in the window’s ledge. I didn’t look around at all. That’s why I want to go back today. Then we went to my SIL’s sister for a goodbye supper. My SIL and her daughter return home in the early morning.
I spoke to my son and his girlfriend last night. I was a bit disappointed as they will be going on a cruise in February. It leaves out of NY so we won’t be seeing them. They will drive to NY and save the airfare which is about 400 each or more. I think the cruise stops at Cape Canaveral so maybe we would drive there if they will be in port long enough to make it worthwhile.
I am busy planning our Hanukah party. We are serving dairy. Yesterday morning we went to BJ’s and made an order – appetizers and more. I will start making a variety of latkes and freezing them. Some friends are bringing food so it will be a help.
Hanukah starts Wednesday. Tuesday I will decorate. Maybe I’ll invite another couple for supper and to light the candles. I have to discuss it with hubby. He is not always in the mood for company and I agree but I think it would be nice to have someone over for supper for the first night.
So I guess I better think about going back to bed. I could have driven my SIL to the airport as she’s leaving 4:30 and I’m up at 3:12.
Have a good day and hope it’s not too cold in your neck of the woods.

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I think it’s wonderful that you have a child-like spirit!!! Enjoy!

November 29, 2010

I remember the Beanie Baby craze – I ended up with way over 100!!! I’ve passed many of the “normal” ones along, keeping things like the octopus, and the fantasy animals (dragon, etc.) Whatever makes you happy!!!

November 29, 2010

i think it’s great you are collecting those cute adorable little things!! if i had a young grandchild i think i’d give him/her a handful for christmas. hope you get to see your son and his girlfriend. i think i’ll check out the hanukah cards at hallmark. i’m sure they’d have them. and i’m gonna look up exactly what hanukah is. i’ve heard about it all my life and never knew what it was. i’ll do that this morning. take care,