So my Thanksgiving dinner was a success. My turkey did get ready. About an hour before it was ready I turned the oven up to 350. I basted it a few times and it turned out perfect.
Yesterday was a quiet day. I did the Wii and then went swimming. Maybe I’ll do that again today. My sugar was five this morning so maybe exercise makes the difference. I hope so. I was starting to think it was the Herbalife products. I am going to continue exercising and then I’ll know what makes the real difference.
I the afternoon it rained so we didn’t go to the pool. Instead I slept a couple of hours. We had leftovers for supper and then hubby and I worked on our jigsaw puzzle. It’s a wonderful Springbox puzzle with lots of candy with bright, very bright colours.
This morning I already have two loads of washing just about done. I also changed the sheets as I haven’t done it since I’m here. Guess I’ll be doing it on Saturdays.
I made two Christmas treasure bottles and they came out very cute. I used some bottles from the Dollar store. They have a Santa head for a cover so very cute. I also put some glue so hopefully the children won’t be able to open the cover. I am giving them to my cleaning lady for her great grandchildren. I used strands of beads which I had to cut individually. I am still looking for the perfect bead etc to fill the bottles.
No plans for today. If it’s nice we’ll probably go to the pool after lunch. Tonight we are suppose to go to a movie with friends – not sure which one – maybe BURLESQUE. I don’t know if hubby will want to see it.

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November 27, 2010

glad your turkey turned out so good. i had a feeling you’d cook it just right. i think burlesque would be a good movie. but, i don’t like to go to theaters so i’ll wait til it comes out on dvd. i’ve heard exercise is good for diabetics. might even keep some off insulin. had left over pie for breakfast this morning and yesterday morning. take care,

November 27, 2010

Sounds like a great day to me! Love puzzles. I think it’s time to get another one for the Xmas period when family and friends drop in for a few days.

November 27, 2010

Sounds like you are enjoying Fl. I’m not sure my husband and I could do a puzzle together for two reasons: 1. He’s color blind. 2. I don’t have the patience.

November 27, 2010

ryn: I’d met my friend a few trips ago – over a year actually. This was the first time I met her family. It sounds as if your holiday came out great!!! The more exercise, the more the muscles need fuel, the more sugar is extracted from the blood, the lower the blood glucose level.

Mehmet and I have been doing puzzles too! How many pieces are in the ones you do? It’s so relaxing, we find. Those treasure bottles sound so fun. Glad the turkey turned out perfectly!!

I enjoy puzzles as well, but hubby doesn’t. I find it helps me to sort out issues in my mind and when I’m through with the whole thing, whatever dilemma is resolved!

Burlesque…I’d love to see it. Can’t imagine why your hubby wouldn’t…LOL!

November 27, 2010

ryn–you are right. i made that decision about no eating after dinner too. and once i’d made it, it got easier and easier.