I took my grandson out this afternoon. We went out for supper. He wanted to go to Little Ceasar. I said ok because he had suggested it last week and I decided instead to go to Pizza Hut. This time I gave in BUT we had to sit on stools. It wasn’t comfortable and I prefer Pizza Hut. So while I was sitting on the stool I started to feel mad that I had given in. I felt frustrated that I was eating pizza again. Then I told myself to be GRATEFUL that I was spending time with my grandson and I should be happy.



There are so many situations when I can look at things both ways. I always choose to be negative. I don’t know why. I just can’t stand compromising. I can’t accept doing things I don’t want to.
For example I am again at the country. Hubby waited for me. So I guess the positive side is that he wanted me to come. He could have left this afternoon. I don’t know if I would have come or not. Probably I would have. Now I’m trying to decide what to do for the next three days. I can go shopping and charge things or I could just be happy, relax and work on my hobbies.

There was a program on the radio today about children – that is some think they are much happier without children and never plan to have them. I’m not sure what I would do if I had a chance to start again. Children do take an emotional and financial toll on a person.

Anyhow I am at the trailer and maybe just maybe I can be positive this weekend. Positive that I’ll be happy and content and relax or maybe just maybe I’ll be negative and go shopping and spend way more than I should. I realize I have the choice. What will I choose? What will I do? Stay tuned.

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July 29, 2010

I am grateful for my children, I am not sure where I would be without them at this point.

July 29, 2010

I am glad I had my children, they are true blessings in my life. My two daughters also gave me some wonderful grandchildren and I feel so blessed to have them. I have always loved children. Love,

July 30, 2010

continue to enjoy your grandson’s company and try not to be depressed over your marriage. At least you have good health and several homes. You have a lot to be thankful for. That said – compromise can be a good thing, as long as it is not our principles we compromise on. hugs P

I think your problem is you don’t want to be there all the dang time! And you shouldn’t have to.

July 30, 2010

enjoy your grandchildren for as long as you can. they grow up and grow away all too fast. take care,

July 30, 2010

You are so right. Our reactions are choices we make – sometimes we give in to the emotion, other times we can step back and make a choice to feel one way or the other. I chose to be child free. Once in a blue moon I wonder how my life would’ve been if I’d had kids. Most of the time I rejoice that I never did.

July 30, 2010

I like what you said about children. A lot of my friends (including myself) agree that we never know what we are getting into when we have kids. No one tells you the truth b/f you have kids. It is hard. HARD. I have a 3 yr old and a 6 wk old. I’m happy that I have them but there are times when I wish for… free time to just be myself. But I try to see my cup as half full. I am blessed.