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RYN I fixed the link go there at my journal not sure if it will work in notes here http://www.meetup.com/ check my diary agin , I fixed, it. This is a GREAT site, search for art, or your hobby and you will find NICE groups in your own city. tell me how you like it. I have joined some groiups it’s MUCH fun. Yesterday I went to a scrapbookers group and it was awesome!! . We had lunch, snacks and breakfast,and scrapbooking and 2 free gifts, spent all day there in the country for 25. dollars *us dollars). You might find a groiup you like there for painting or your other hobbies.

March 28, 2010

Before I retired I had a E-news letter and found that any thing close to 500 words and people would not really read what you wrote. So I try to keep all my OD entry’s between 200 and 500 words. If I can’t express myself with that I probably need to be talking to a shrink anyway.