On Friday we woke up about nine so had to rush in order to have our free breakfast at the Hampton Inn. By the time we had breakfast and sat around a bit it was time to meet family for lunch at 12:30. We had a great visit.  One of the men paid for our lunch. It reminded me of my father who always paid for everything. Then one of my cousins took us on a tour of Winnipeg. We passed by the store that one of the family use to own. Her name is still on the sign outside the store. I took a few pictures and when I make a photo album for my cousin I will include them. We drove by a bakery that is famous in Winnipeg.  We past by the area where my mother lived for awhile when she came from Europe. Friday night we went out for supper with two cousins. They were the ones we spent most of our time with. One cousin could tell us who everyone was in the pictures I had brought with.
Saturday we went to the FORKS in the morning. It was a tourist attraction – lots of stores and junk to buy. I didn’t buy much. Baseball hats for my grandchildren. For lunch we went to my cousin’s family. After I got bored there I went downstairs to visit with another cousin who was having lunch with some friends.
At night we went out with the same cousins. They took us for a wonderful supper and PAID for it. It was a surprise but much appreciated.
During all these meals and drives we shared stories of the past. I had a wonnderfuul weekend and I hope I can go back one day.
One of my cousins still lives in the house that she was born in. She is 78!!!!!!! The house is deteriorating and she is trying to decide if she move near her brother in Vancouver or stay in Winnipeg and move but she doesn’t know where. She wouldn’t allow us close to the house because she is embarrased by how rundown it is. We passed by another time and I took pictures.
Anyhow must go make supper. More later maybe.

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Oh, what a step into your past and a connection to your parents and other family! These must be really special times, and I’m glad you’re being treated so well by everyone.

June 1, 2009

Glad you had a nice weekend with your family!

June 2, 2009

food and good company….yay. Enjoy the rellies. hugs P

June 3, 2009

I’m glad you had a good time!

RYN: Yes Lori and Marion are the same person. Marion Blackberries is her OD name. I hated to use her real name since she never has. Thanks for your good wishes.

June 3, 2009

Sounds like you are having a great time. Love,