I spent the day with my grandson. It was so much fun!!! No time to think! No time to cry! No time to even think of why.
He arrived about 11:30 a.m. We went to the indoor pool in a community close by. The water is VERY warm – like bathwater. There are about four different sections all roped off for different ages and stages. They also have a huge shower and many slides! We played for a few hours. In between we had lunch in the restaurant by the pool. It was a very relaxing, slow paced day.
After the pool we went to MacDonalds. I had coffee and half a muffin. He had about five fries and one chicken nugget but he played for about an hour. I met another BUBBY there with her grandson. We started to talk and I told her my whole life story!!!!! Divorced son etc.
After that we went to buy food for supper. Now it’s quiet! I’m tired so won’t be up too long. I still have to pack for the weekend. We have to get up early as I have a mammogram at nine and then we will go directly to the country.
Time to read some entries///////////////

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