I have  a very busy day ahead. The only trouble is I can’t decide exactly what to do. I want to visit my mother, my grandson, pack etc. What to do when and do I visit or not?



Some of these may be repeats – either I forgot that I already wrote them or they are important enough to be included twice.


31. I have enough food to eat.

32. I can speak.

33. My hair is short and curly.

34. I was able to go to university and become a teacher.

35. I was able to stay home and raise my children.

36. I have my own car.

37.  I have a cleaning lady twice a month.

38. My children all live in this city.

39. I have a great older sister.

40. I have books to read.

41. I can belong to CURVES.

42. I have all my fingers and toes.

43. I have always lived in a safe neighborhood. I grew up just a few streets away from where I live now.

44. I use to go to the country in the summer when I was growing up.

45. I can afford to stay at a hotel when I go visit my family tomorrow.

46. I have a Forman grill.

47. My daughter helps me prepare supper.

48. I have lots of free time to work on my hobbies.

49. I love taking a bath, reading my book and having a nap.

50. I have a dry sense of humour.

This is harder than I thought.


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June 3, 2004

Yay for “The George”….that’s what I call my Foreman grill!!!! How did we ever do without it! Have a good time on your trip!

June 3, 2004

I didn’t know you were a teacher?

A Forman Grill. Now that is something to be grateful for!! LOL.

June 3, 2004

Hey, 50 is good. I think I need to get a Foreman grill.

June 3, 2004

good positive entry–well done.

but very revealing… 🙂 A cleaning lady? That is luxury!!! 😀