This morning I went to a friend’s and did some quilting. You should have seen my stitches. OY VEY!!!!!!!!! It could have made you nautious!…….zig zag zig zag…….anyhow it is fun working with others………..D is a very patient teacher. Then I worked on my needlepoint and bit. This afternoon I slept a couple of hours. I know it wastes a lot of time but I LOVE having a nap.

Hubby and I are still at a loss for words because of my spending habits. I just get so much pleasure out of shopping.

Anyhow I also packed a little more………..can’t wait to go home. Then I will have to set up some type of schedule. There are so many things I want to do each day:::::


visit mother



Jewish lesson

accordion lesson

guitar lesson

food shopping




I will just have to set up some type of schedule. Otherwise the day goes by and I get little done.

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