I am so grateful for the body that I have.
I have a large body which is great for osteoporosis I think.
I have two wonderful chubby legs which carry me wherever I want to go. I can drive a bike. Walk up and down the aisles in stores.
I have two wonderful arms which help me do so many things like playing the accordion and guitar………of course they help me surf the net, type, write, knit, crochet, cook and a million other things. Aren’t they great????
I appreciate my eyesight! I can see nature and all it’s beauty———–the coloured leaves in the fall and the snow gently falling in the winter. I can read books which I cherish. and do many other things with my eyes which I have been blessed with.
I have two ears. I love listening to Jewish music, to Dr. Laura…………………………..
I am so grateful that I have this body even though it is fat and not in the best of shape!