Jenny was walking home from her very best friend’s house. When she left Sharry’s house the sun was just beginning to set. Jenny was deep in thought and not looking where she was going. It wasn’t until it was much too late that she realized she had turned down the wrong street.

You have to understand.

Sharry lived on a country road. It was in the middle of nowhere and when I write nowhere I mean nowhere. There wasn’t another house for miles………….forget about stores. Now there was no such thing as cellular phones or pagers. SO PICTURE IT! Jenny was fifteen and walking in the country………….Sharry was her nearest neighbour and that was three miles away.

Jenny and Sharry had been friends all their lives. They were born in the same hospital. Their mothers shared the same hospital room and had become fast friends before they left for home.

So picture this. It is getting dark!!! All along the road are mountains and when I write mountains I want you to picture the Rockies! Never seen them? Well go outside and look up. Now look higher. So here is little Jenny…………not much higher than 4 feet tall and weighs less than a hundred soaking wet. She doesn’t know what to do.

She sits down on a stump and thinks!!!!!! Do you smell the wood burning?????? Why didn’t she accept the lift from Sharry’s father??????? Why didn’t she call her parents to come get her???? Well she couldn’t go back so what was she going to do??? If she goes straight it will take her forever to get home and there were NO houses nearby. If she turns around it will also take her forever.

So her only choice is to walk straight over the mountain.

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