Getting Our Wires Crossed

I hate shopping most of the time, but sometimes, well, it’s just necessary.

Today I shopped for bras and underwear. Now that’s necessary!

The underwear is easy. I just grab a few packs of briefs and high cuts, and maybe a pack of low riders just to be super exciting, but bras . . . well.

My boobs are supersized. I hate them. They serve no purpose. I often think it would be nice to get breast cancer, because then I could get rid of them.

If I ever won the lottery, I would go right in and have a breast reduction.

I have no idea why they got so big and icky, but there they are.

And because they’re so big and icky, it’s difficult to find bras that fit properly. And to make it more difficult, it seems like 90% of the bras on sale are underwire.

I can’t stand underwire bras. I’ve tried wearing them many times, but the wire digs into my ribs. So I LOVE wireless bras.

But they’re hard to find. In my gigantic size.

After scrounging around in the display shelves and racks, I finally found four bras that were my size and were NOT underwire. It took forever, but my diligence paid off.

When I was checking out, the cashier, who maybe was a bit older than I am, commented on the reasonable price of my bras. I told her it was a small victory that I found bras that were not underwire.

“Yes, I don’t wear underwire bras anymore,” she replied. “I used to, but now, well, they don’t fit right for me.”

This woman has normal sized boobs, not the kind that prevent people standing close to you, like my monsters.

“Well, I’ve never been able to wear underwire bras, so I was glad to find these,” I told her.

“Now I have to wear a bra that clasps in front,” she said, “because I can’t get my arms around my back to fasten it.”

I guess we all have our own bra problems.

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I’d love a breast reduction too! I have always closed the back clasps on the front of me and then slide it around so clasps are at the back. I’ve never reached back to do it! I thought everyone did it the way I do!

June 12, 2012

Trust me, you don’t want to get breast cancer.

Be careful what you wish for.

June 12, 2012

I think every woman has their clothing troubles! Maybe since it’s difficult for you, spending a bit more would be worth it?

June 12, 2012

I’m no frills. Sports bras all the way. Anything that keeps me from hitting myself in the face.As for my size, when M got her “normal” mammo results I applauded her, & not with my hands.I’ve had one underwire bra in my life, to go with a low-cut dress. Those things are nasty. I think I wore it (and the dress) once. Honestly, I felt as though I were in drag. 🙂

June 12, 2012
June 13, 2012

i always wear underwire for my rather large girls, they just feel more uplifted and protected. My complaint is that the bras we have to wear for our “bigger” girls have such wide straps and bands—-why can’t they be pretty?

June 13, 2012

i wear underwires. just don’t think i have enough support for my girls if i don’t. but, it’s difficult to find the right size. i hate to go bra shopping! i put it off til i’m desperate. everyone looks like they are having fun in that photo. take care,

ryn: hehe… I feel about baseball the way you feel about soccer. I can see the beauty in the NBA games though. (And by ‘games’ I mean ‘players’) 😀

June 13, 2012

RYN: I’d agree with you about the “seriously” thing. It’s also very Minnesotan to say “interesting” a lot. Based on what I’ve seen on the internet, using “random” inappropriately is not just a MN problem, it’s universal.