End of week
What a waste! This first week is a real blowout. I was supposed to be working with two nurses from the company, in Peterborough, but because of the damn weather they couldn’t make it in. So I had to work from home, which is ok, but after 3 weeks at home I was really keen to get my teeth into the job.
Anyway I haven’t wasted the time. I was given a load of stuff to read , which I have done (real bedtime stuff! Yawn!!!) and made some phone calls today which have resulted in a couple of appointments with consultants and specialist nurses next week. I have to tell the COM everything I do, and she is really pleased that I’ve made the appointments. I can’t believe they are so happy over me making 6 phone calls in 2 days!!!! Oh well, I shall keep on keeping on.
Monday I am supposed to meet another nurse in Bury St Edmunds. We have already made contact and she is going to keep me informed how the weather is down there over the weekend. We had another inch of snow here today and it’s freezing again tonight, down to about -8C. It hit -21 in Scotland today, the UK record is -27 so we’re getting close! Forecasters say we have got this sort of weather for at least another week.
As well as doing ALL those phone calls, I also cleared my office of a load of crap today. Filled 2 black dustbin bags of old papers and sh…….elves of unwanted stuff! Now just got to sort out the other side of the office and it will actually look like an office again!
Well, that’s about all for now. Next up is the survey !