Hello Again!


I guess it’s time I really did an update in here.
I haven’t been feeling that socially inclined while I was off work. In all I was off for about 9 weeks, then had 2 weeks leave and have been back for about 3 weeks now. At first I thought I’d gone back too early as, after a couple of shifts, I was beginning to feel low again. But I kept going and have had some good news to help me, which I’ll get to shortly.
During my time off things didn’t go swimmingly either. I told you about the car hassles ( Peugeot is going great by the way. Well happy with it.). Also told you about the Harley going and getting the Triumph and that is still a joy to ride, so much so that I even ride in the wet again…..no longer a fair weather biker.
Firstly we had a weekend of upset when my #2 daughter, Vicki, walked out from her relationship of 4 years, and came home. We were actually happy about this and had expected it for some time cos her partner is a real dickhead. She stayed with us for 3 nights, and during the day they were meeting up to talk things over…resulting in her going back to him, much to our chagrin. Oh well, I can see the same happen again in a few months when he slips back into his old ways.
Secondly, we had to have our 14-yr-old cat, Tammy, put down. She had been poorly for some time and we had spent a fortune on blood tests and medication which seemed to pep her up for a while but she kept going downhill again, culminating in a weekend of not eating, getting weaker and the weight just dropping off her. We took her the vets and they said they could feel 3 masses in her bowel. There was no choice but to end her suffering. It was so painful for us, but so gentle for her as we watched her just fall sound asleep and then her  breathing stop.

Tammy, R.I.P.
We said we would never do this to ourselves again (as we always do!), but she left a gaping hole in our lives as we have ALWAYS had cats since Dawn and I have been together. So 10 days later we went to look at some kittens intending to get one to nurture……..and ended up with two! They were so cute, playing together, brother and sister, we just couldn’t split them up. So enter the Harley household…………..Bonnie and Clyde!! And how aptly named…they’re a right couple of gangsters! Seriously though, despite the scars on legs and arms, they have been a great source of joy to all of us and a well needed diversion for me. Pet therapy definitely works! So much so that I am writing this with one hand because Bonnie is nestled into the crook of my arm asleep!

Bonnie & Clyde (Bonnie is the black and white one!)

And this is how close we are already!
Thirdly I went with Lee to his consultant appointment as I normally do, and his right femur is still non-union, not healing. I am of the opinion that the Consultant is at a loss now. We have discussed it and are giving it until January to make some difference. If there is no improvement then it will be the beginning of talks around amputation. Lee has mixed feelings. He feels he will have wasted the last 12 months waiting for this leg to heal, but at the same time h e realises a prosthetic leg will give him back his full height and a full life again within 12 months. Because of all this he is slipping into a more deeper depression (understandable) and has even thought of self-harming, though not done anything yet, so we have been to the GP again for a change of meds. Here’s hoping it bucks him up. I have tried to get him to focus on the positives in his life right now. He has just started his driving lessons after months of trying to sort them out and after the first one his instructor said he would be ready for his test in a couple of weeks! And he also got funding for his college course so that could start any time as soon as he decides where he wants to go.
While on leave I applied for a new job. I had the interview the second week I was back at work, and have got the job. This has been another source of delight for me as the Walk-In Centre is just not for me any more. I have been there 5 years now and need a change. My new job is as a Clinical Research Nurse for an independent company, not the NHS. I will be conducting trials into all sorts of new drugs/instruments and collating the data for the sponsor companies. The job is a lot more involved than that, but that’s the general idea. I will still have patient contact, but ones of my choosing not the idiots that drift into my present place. I finish here on Dec 17th and start the new one on Jan 6th. It’s 9-5. M-F , no bank holidays….. doesn’t it sound brilliant! LOL I guess we’ll see , but I am looking forward to it very much for the new challenges it will bring.
Oh yes, one last thing….#1 daughter, Paula, is going to make me a Grandad again for the 3rd time! “It” is due at the end of April, but I am trying to convince her to wait a week or so, so “it” can have the same birthday as Grandad! LOL
So I think that’s about all for now. Hope you like the pics. I’ll try to get back sooner.

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Wow! This was a very newsy entry. Its so nice to read you again! I’m sorry about your cat. I know how hard that is. Congratulations on the new job & the kittens! I’m glad you are getting out of the old job because I know you weren’t happy there. The new job sounds wonderful! I love the picture of Bonnie on your head. That should be your profile pic!

November 5, 2009

aww! when is your birthday?? mine is may 4th *grin* *hugs* well.. obviously a lot of.. sad things have happened.. but kitties always help that .. thinking of you and your family.

November 5, 2009

Those kittens look so great

am sorry about lee. makes me wish he was here to get a consult. vicky will do what she always does; and it make take 2-3 times of leaving before she finally realizes it will never work. that relief will energize her to find life happier. cats are cute; i’d like another kitten, but…i’d have to sign divorce papers i think to get it. 🙂

November 6, 2009

so much has happened since you last wrote. sorry about your cat but glad you got bonnie and clyde! i’m sure they will make you happy. your new job sounds like it will be very interesting. take care,

November 6, 2009

So sorry about the cat, but the kittens are cute! And how long has it been since Lee’s accident? Four years or thereabouts? Dear gods!! I wish the arse who hit him could read this and realize what he did. And YAY on the new job. With a warm smile…

November 6, 2009

ryn: *grins* nah.. next spring!! ha ha.. i can’t wait though!

November 6, 2009

Aw gawd, My David & I have been sketchily reading your entry, sketchily – coz we get the drift of where this is going, being cat lovers ourselves, and having had to have some of them put to sleep over the years, it ain’t a happy process 4 us. Still, we’ve had many cats, now have 2, so still happy. Though, your entry reminded us.:) I’m Emmi – joining your team, hope you’ll join mine.:)

November 6, 2009

I am so sorry about the loss of your beautiful Tammy, but that adorable pair Bonnie and Clyde will certainly fill a void …a big welcome hug to them. I love that pic of Bonnie on your head…lol…..my Koha did that often when she was smaller but eventually got too heavy ( thankfully). I hope your scalp doesn’t get too scratched.*smiles* Good to see you back here….we miss you during your break but I understand it is necessary to take time out occasionally from anything social. hugs P

November 6, 2009

Fabulous to see you with lots of good news, especially Bonnie and Clyde. I am a devoted cat person and Bonnie on your head is priceless!!! They are beyond cute! Best of luck with the new job. Something nice and exciting for a change, huh? You need it! Hope your son will feel optimistic and happy soon.

November 23, 2009

I used to visit your diary so many years ago. I was not sure if I would still find you here. I hope to read more from your pages. Your friend once known as She who shadow walks