growing up so fast
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I meant to do this a really long time ago, but time gets away from us.
As many of you know, Kooky turned 4 this month. It is such a bittersweet age really. She is so far away from tjhe newborn that she was a few short years ago, and so much closer to being the school ager that she so desperately wants to be. On a side note, I saw a baby named the same just last week that was born in early December and it brought a ton of memories flooding back to me.
Kooky is at an amazing age right now. So chatty and always talking or singing. She is fiercely independent and wants no help doing anything most of the time. This is assisting in her putting clothes on herself, which is a good thing. She is still cuddly and sweet and a good friend to me, although I still do step in and parent. But all of the hard work at the parenting has paid off and it’s nice to see. She holds my hand automatically when crossing the street, mostly stays near me in stores other than discovering clothing racks recently (Argh!), knows when I mean no or stop and generally listens, and she is a little less maintenance than she was at a younger age. By that, I mean the toddler stages where you constantly monitor their location and what they are doing and just what you have to control. I don’t lock a single cabinet and she only ever gets into my hair clips. She is so much fun to be around now and the hard days seem less and less often. We took her for portraits over the weekend, and she followed the instructions on posing and staying still better then I would have thought she would. She had the fake smile going but she looked really beautiful with her blue eyes and blond curls long enough to be over her shoulders in the pic. I can’t believe how pretty she is, although I am considering telling her less so she does not have to say it so much! J and I know she COULD model, but neither of us wants to go down that path. Teenage modeling school ruined that for me!
She is really into Christmas this year and all happy about Santa. She is dying to open the couple of presents under the tree that are waiting for Christmas Eve and asks every chance that she gets if it is now. I am looking so forward to Christmas morning and the happiness she’ll experience. As well as the visits that day and watching her really learn the whole Christmas thing, despite the fact that merrily wrapped packages are at the top of her list. I look forward to regular traditions with her, such as The Nutcracker and our search for holiday lights. And whatever else gets thrown into the mix as time goes on. I am a bit sad that it will all be over so soon, and that I was so busy in the beginning of it.
I love you, my Kooky girl. You are growing up to be such a good girl and I have such ideas about your life as an adult. Will you be the tippy toe girl that you dream so much about right now and love ballet? Or will it be soccer, her previous love?
Only time will tell………………
This was lovely, a lot of which I could write for Alexa too. I can’t believe she goes to school soon, although I am thankful she has another WHOLE year before that day arrives. Seriously… I am taking the morning off work on Alexa’s first day of big school. I HAVE to be there for it. Alexa talks about Christmas every day, and finally today she’ll get to open some presents when we have an early Christmas lunch with Dave’s parents before we head down the coast for the actual day. Happy Christmas to you and yours. *huge hugs*
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It is amazing how fast time passes! I love the ages from four to eleven. I am not enjoying twelve all the time at the moment. Tweenagers can be a pain. All the work that you put in as a parent works towards a better child.:)
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that’s very nice of you. I bought 2 of the 2 disc. 1 for my self and the other for my cousin that is just as crazy for the series and movie. LOL
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My husband liked the movie. He doesn’t read so he doesn’t get into the books like I do, but he’s okay with me acting like this. He knew I was like this with Harry Potter, too. I’m such a fangirl, LOL.
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