I feel a bit wipedout.
Matt and I went to see the ART nurses today, now I know I should be happy and that I should be smiling but I just feel a bit dispointed in myself. It looks like I’m not ovulating on my own so it’s back down the clomid road for us, but however this time they want to do IUI cycles and washing Matt’s sperm. Whatever happened to babies that where Woops! babies? I still have so many feelings of failing as a woman in this respect. I know I should be able to deal with it but it still hurts even for the third time. So I have spent a bit of time looking for a support group, seeing that Matt won’t be here for most of it, I think I need a "in real life" support group, people that I can see and talk too. Heck maybe ill make some friends from it.
Just needed to get that out of me….
I know the process is hard but think about the final product, a baby *hugs*
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