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February 26, 2004

i love the expressions on his face šŸ˜€

February 26, 2004

Aww he is so cute and little how old is he now

February 26, 2004

He’s such a cutie.

February 26, 2004

I remember trying to capture Tempest’s smile. I eventually found something that made her smile (blowing rasberries) and then would click the digi camera shutter just before I blew one, by the time the camera actually got the photo she had smiled. I finally caught one that way. ~:) Babs

He is such a cutie, his eyes look so big and blue, awwwww. Hope you catch a smile on film soon hun :o)

February 27, 2004

aww what a cutie pie!


February 27, 2004

I’m sorry to hear about all the bs you have to go through. DONT BLAME YOURSELF. You didnt make them do all that stuff. I cant give you advice as to what to do but I can tell you to be strong for your sweet little boy… hes soooo tiny and cute = ) Thanks for the note and the compliment by the way

February 27, 2004

awwwww…. very great pictures!!! youll get it dont worry!(((hugs)))

those elusive baby smiles..:)

March 2, 2004

LOL the cutest!