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congratulations! hes sooo cute! hope all goes well and he gets to go home soon!

congratulations and I hope all is well. Please let me kow if I can do anything. LOVE YOU!

aw. he has such a precious little nose! 🙂 congrats to you and your family, and special vibes for a speedy growth to little Callum!! i volunteer in a NICU, and before you know it, he’ll be outta there and at home! enjoy the sleep while you can! 🙂 best wishes!

OMG! This is so exciting! Great news for you, congratulations. He looks divine, absolutely lovely. He’ll be home in no time.

awww he is so tiny, omg that must have been SO scary having him that early!! I’m 30weeks and 4days and can’t imagine havin her yet. hugs.

Beautiful baby boy darling. Best wishes for a fast and speedy growth for him, I’m sure you will all be home and safe in no time! Blessings and love to your new family.

October 31, 2003

his so cute!! hope everything is okay with you!!

*hugs* i’ll keep your little one in my thoughts, i hope everything goes well for you Kellie.

OH MY GOODNESS!!! He’s beautiful. I can’t believe he came so early! WOW.

November 1, 2003

Oh my god he’s so small. Congratulations! Wow, I go away for a few days and look what happens. ~:) Babs

how precious..congrats on the birth…Wishes for a soon homecoming 🙂


aww he is so precious though 🙂

congrats…babies are wonderful!

November 3, 2003

congrats! how tiny, will keep him in my thoughts and prayers!

November 3, 2003

Awww … hugs to you all! I hope you’re all doing well and that he’s able to come home very soon! CONGRATS! 🙂

November 3, 2003

congratulations! hope he comes home soon!((hugs))

*hug* You’re in our thoughts and prayers, all of you.

November 11, 2003

oh wow, congrats… i’ve not been here since oct, so i’ll read ahead… ~ajaye

Congratulations!!! I haven’t been here in a while…*goes off to read*

January 9, 2004

he looks so tiny and precious =)