all bad news…hah

It’s been a while since Ive written. I don’t really care to write anymore. I don’t really want people knowing what Im thinking or feeling. Its pointless sometimes.
Anyway, work has kept me really busy. Changing hours a lot, and working a lot of overtime. which ends up never being ‘over time’ cause at the end of the week I leave early…but time and a half for all those over time hours would be nicer. I guess.
I dunno what to say.
Ive been upset lately. For whatever reason, I dont really know why. Lots of things I guess.
Jay says Ive been crabby, but I dont even feel like he wants to be around me or wants me around. Blah, I suck. and everyone doesnt like me.
Jay started a journal thing at this new bloging site. Its weird.
My grandpa slipped on ice last weekend, hit his shoulder, and his hip on the ground and then his head hit a brick wall. He is 80 yrs old now, so its scary….
My grandma was admitted into the hospital on thursday, she was having chest pains and pains down her side and arm. She is still in the hospital, the stress tests they did came back very high, so on tuesday she is going to be taken by ambulance to Erie(PA) hospital so that they can do a heart cathetrization(sp). They dont want her leaving the hospital cause they’re afraid it may have been the beginning of a heart attack or something.
My Niece fell last weekend while her and my nephew were chasing each other around and throwing balls at one another. She hit her entertainment center and cracked her head open, she got two staples in the back of her head…i think she gets them out today?…im not positive.
My mom on the way over to my sisters to pick my nephew up when his sister fell, jumped out of my brothers truck, and twisted her knee. She goes next week for an MRI of her knee, and then to an orthopedic surgen after that.
My sister on wednesday was cleaning up the yard, and throwing sticks in the river…in the process pulled her shoulder out of socket…and is now having bad pains. she’s been dislocated it for about 8 years now. she goes to the orthopedic on thursday.
Last night my nephew was putting his hands in his shirt and he slipped…his finger went into his eye and cut it. so he went to the ER…there is a very large scrape in it. he has to go to an eye specialist on monday.

If that isnt enough bad news then I dont know what is. I go to the doctor in a week…should be fun 😡
Jay went to his ex girlfriends house on thursday night to watch a movie with her and his friends. I wasnt invited. I felt really left out and really unwanted. And then he said I was being crabby all week, so I felt like a shitty horrible person. I wanted to crawl in a hole.
so yea…thats that. i dunno what else to say. Is this year over yet??

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April 4, 2004

RYN: Hey, pretty girl! Of course I remember you! You write, honey, and I will read. If you need any help coming up with topics to write about, I can help you out. Funny, I can do that for others much easier than I can do it to myself. I don’t write nearly as much anymore, either.

April 5, 2004

glad you are back:) *hugs*