
I just go written up at work, if it happens again im going to be fired. which is such shit, cause i havent done anything wrong, ive been trying and trying to straighten things out in my room. and they wrote that they have made a number of attempts to straighten it out and ‘correct’ the situation. they havent even said one word to us about any of this until now. they’re suppose to at least approuch us before writing us up for something.

i dont get it.

heres whats they wrote : Despite our attempts at correcting the situations, the following acts have been noticed and not corrected. referring to a child as ‘sea creature’, leaving expired bottles out for an extended period of time, not completing daily charts, eating food in from of the children and bringing in food in front of the children, cleanliness of classroom is below standards (highchairs left filthy, floor not mopped, carpets not vacuumed, cribs and toys not sanitized or cleaned, the childrens faces are always dirty, noses not wiped, hands arent washed), very negative attitude towards management and children, not addressing parent concerns (we’ve recieved two parent complaints due to concerns not being addressed), room expectations have been ignored (not stocking diaper table, no notification when supplies are needed from home, trash not being taken out), safety concerns not addressed (belach bottles not made fresh daily, bleach bottles being left out on counter top, botles not labeled).

“terri has violated the code of business conduct as well as standard operating procedures for the infant room.”

“both tami and myself have given terri the expectations of this classroom as well as left the expectations posted in the classroom. we have also had multiple conferences with her regarding these issuse (such a lie, only once, and thats when i had 7 by myself). we have been oberserving the classroom for a period of two weeks to documnet the listed violations above.”

there was a place for comments from me and such, but im not even going to go there.

i told them everything i thought. and when its sent into the coperate my comments arent going to make a difference. i just dont care anymore.

the shitty thing is, they went onto say that they dont think its me making the room like this.

they said that they think that casey (the other teacher) isnt working out well in the room. they think she doesnt work well with younger children. and we talked about and i explained that when i was alone in the room with all the kids things were a lot better than now, and they both agreed. they said that when they talked to me about it before they saw a lot of improvenment and the room was awesome, but this time thigns havent changed.

i wish they would have just talked to me about it on the side before writing me up. they basically just said that i didnt do anything wrong, they think i can improve the classroom, but casey cant be in there.

i just dont get it.

i hate my life so much i cant do anything right for anyone. everything i do is wrong. i make people mad and hate me everywhere that i go. i wish i could just hide in a hole for the rest of my life. i dont want to live here anymore, i dont want to work there anymore. i want to leave, move away.

i wish i wasnt alive right now. on top of everything i have a 101.2 fever again. and ive just been extra emotional lately. and it took everything i had not to cry when talking to them, instead i just left for my break and i still cant stop crying. i have to go back in 10 minutes, i wanna kill myself.

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ryn: If you have to go back for a pap in April then yours isn’t severe. There are 3 stages — mild, moderate, severe. I had a normal pap in April of ’01 and then had one in July of ’02 and mine was classified as severe. I had to have laser surgery done on my cervix. It was out-patient and not too bad. It is my understanding it is a bacteria type of thing that can be transmitted sexually. —

If not treated it can be bad. I was shocked when I found out. Just take care of yourself and be sure to get checked. I have to have paps every 6 months for 2-3 years to make sure it doesn’t come back — which it can! Yippeeee . . . . Sorry to hear you’ve had such a bad day and sorry to be telling you this if it makes you feel worse . . . Let me know if I can do anything . . . *hugs*

I think it can go either way. It is my understanding that men are typically the “carriers”. You may want to got to WebMD. That’s where I went and they had a lot of information on it!