holidays are over.

yay. holidays are over, finally. everything went a lot better than expected though. i guess my family wasnt THAT bad. 🙂

new years went well. Im glad about that. I wasnt really sure how it was going to end up. but yea.

Everything is cool. Everything, that is, besides work.

Im quiting. I cannot work there anymore. I can not work with people who do not respect me.

A couple months ago, I was asked if I would be about to work 8:30 to 5:30. (my hours were currently 7 to 4pm) so I told them no, on tuesdays and wednesdays i babysit, and the other days I needed to find another job. But they were strapped that week, and said another teacher would be working 8:30 to 5:30 next week. so I told them I would work the two days left in the week 8:30 to 5:30. and so from then on, thats been my schedule. and I have asked them repeatedly to change it. One, they never let me off at 4 on tuesdays and wednesday..and thats bullshit, cause its been a commitment since i started that i babysit those days. two, that other teacher never started so i got screwed.

well anyway,

so on friday, i was sick. and i wanted to go home. and we were low enough kid-wise in order for them to push and send me home. but instead they decided to send someone else home, because they “needed” me there until 5:30. now this other girl works until 4:30 so from 4:30 to 5:30 is not that big of a gap they could ahve worked it out. but they were being assholes.

So the other girl told me she was being sent home, and so I went to the office and asked “you’re sending kristen home?!” and they said “yup” and so i said “you think its fair to send someone who is feeling well home, when you have someone who isnt feeling well who already asked to go home?” them: “thats not the point, we need you here till 5:30” me: “so if i was throwing up, id have to stay cause you NEED someone here till 5:30?” them: “yup, basically” me: “first of all, Im not even suppose to work until 5:30. I told you I needed to get another job, and that I couldnt work those hours..and you still havent fixed that” them: “you havent found a job, those are the hours we need filled, those are now your hours” me: “I was told when I started that I would have early hours, that was the only condition for me working here, you need to ask kacy to work those hours” them: “we asked kacy, she doesnt want them so they’re yours..and besides shes the teacher qualified one so she gets first pick” me: “thats fucking bullshit, teacher qualified my ass, I have been in the room by myself with 7 kids since the beginning of summer, its bullshit that you take my hours away when ive put up with everything. if im not teacher qaulified and im not the lead teacher then I am not responsible for making sure things get done, Im not doing lesson plans, Im not doing anything but feeding and diapering..cause thats what assistants do. if you want things done tell kacy she needs to do them..cause im done.” them: “thats fine, dont do it. kacy will. but you need to let her know. that isnt any of hour business what goes on in there..if you two need a conference we can set one up, but thats all” me: “what do you mean thats none of your business, you’re our boss, im not explaining to her what needs to be done in her room, because im done being the teacher”

and i walked out of the office crying. it was such bullshit. needless to say. one of our other co-workers didnt like how i was being treated and offered to come back after her doctors appointment to work until 5:30 for me..since it was so important. and i went home and started my search for a new job.

ive never been so upset about something work related in my life. I love my job so much, but i hate the directors. they are very bad at their job, all they care about is fasion, money, and getting bigger boobs for themselves. i cant work there.

im suppose to start a class on wednesday that they are paying for. adn i dont want to start it because if i do and dont continue working there throughtout it, then i have to pay 350 dollars. so i dont know, any ideas? and what do i tell them?

and with all that happening..ive just been so upset this weekend. and everything is upseting me, theres not one thing probably thats happened that hasnt upset me. its sad. i hate feeling like this.

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