stupid emergency rooms.


i layed down to take a nap earlier. around like 7. and i woke up at 8:45 with a really bad headache.

so i went upstairs i took some ib profen and then ate some cereal, cause i thought it was from being hungry.

but no. it just kept getting worse and worse. up to the point where i was crying so bad and so hard, i couldnt see anything, my head had shooting pains going through it, my neck was so sore i thought it was going to disconnect from my head.

so while i was crying hysterically my dad called my doctor, who of course was out of town. which was good anyway, cause his fill in doctor is cool. well that doctor told my dad to take me to the ER.

and yea, my other doctor would have just told me to keep taking my midrin (every hour) and go in tomorrow to see him. which what the fuck would that help right now? you know.

and so my dad warmed my car up, woke my mom let her know what was going on. and then we left.

well, my dad dropped me off at the door. and i went in and where it said, ‘sign in here’ there was no sheet and no one was standing there, so i wait ten minutes, and my headahce just disappears. just as fast as it came.

so we waited a little while, and then i told my dad there really wasnt a point because it wasnt there anymore. and i asked him if i should still just stay and get tests done, because my doctor wont do any. and he asked if i wanted to wait and spend the money. and i said no.

so yea, we came home. and now its gone. but my neck is still realllly sore. like it was holding 20 pounds or more of weight on it.

but, yea. im hungry and midrin makes me really sleepie so i think im going to go to bed. and hopefully wake up without a headache.

that would be nice.

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March 22, 2002

Friday night: OD & FOD Chat Room is up come visit us!!

March 23, 2002

Oh sweetie! I am sorry you were hurting so badly. I am glad you are better now, though. Take it easy today, okay? {{{hugs}}}