lol, more birthday “fun”

eek i pushed enter before i even wrote anything and it saved it. stupid od.

well i went out with my friends last nigth to dinner. chrissy,lori, mike, joe, ashley, and matt. it was fun. but, i wasnt even expecting what they did, they went and told the dumb waitress that it was my birhtday..and so she was like “oh it is” and I told her it wasnt my birthday they were lying, my birthday was yesterday. lol. but they sang to me anyway :/ everyone at the table said I gave them all death looks while they were singing 😡 oops

after dinner we went to play pool. and suprisingly I did really well. We beat the boys 3 times out of four. it was cool, they sucked.

we went back to loris and alan called so we met up with him at the cup. this resteraunt where lori works. and we just stayed there until like 1am.

i am so tired. i have been getting no sleep at all.

yesterday and the day before were such bad days. i wish that i didnt have to even remember what happened. lol. oh well.

things are pretty good. i have a lot to do on monday. i need to get into a doctor about getting my colposcopy soon. oh well i dont even care anymore, i dont even think about it.

my sister and i went shopping all day today. its really nice out, but its rainy and really windy. not too cold out.

*sigh* i dont like people trying to set me up with people. its annoying. and especially trying to hook you up with people you are friends with and hang out with almost everyday..whats the point of that, then there will be an weirdness in the group when you break up. its just gay.

blah, yes.. time to go. its too cold in my room. lol

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