The End-Saying Goodbye.

Im done. No more knowing me. I will not write in this diary again (hopefully) except for private entries which only I will be able to read.

I will not let people know me anymore. I wont let them see things that I feel and that I want.

I began this diary a little over a year ago to help me. And it has, it has helped me a lot. I met my boyfriend on open diary and I was also able to write things that I would have never written without it. I was able to get my feelings out.

I wrote in it because I didnt want to bother people by directly talking to them, and it was their choice to read it or not. Well thats all over now, you cant read anymore, you wont know anymore, you can just pretend that Im gone.

Im so tired of people thinking they know so much about everything. Im tired of people judging me and not thinking I can do something that I really can. Im tired of people thinking Im making the wrong decisions, Im tired of having to prove myself and my intentions to everyone, so you know what, you just wont know my decisions/intentions anymore. No loss for me.

I thought things were different but they arent. I thought they’d be better but they’re not. People judging my actions, telling me that Im wrong in what Im doing, well fuck that fuck you.

Sometimes you have to look around until you find what you need to convince yourself that things arent what you thought. And even though you looked for it, you still hurt.

Whatever though right.

The only one that really matters in the end is yourself. (with the exception). And this is where I part. This is where I say goodbye to those who have tried to help, and those who have cared. Even those who only cared temperarely, or even pretended to.

I used to see things so differently. I used to think things, that I knew could never be right but I liked to believe it anyway.

Sometimes you do things because you want them to be, not because they are.

If you shit on me I shit on you. Thats what I am deciding right now. And you’ve shitted on me, so you know what, Im going to shit on you. Im going to try to leave without turning back.

At least I know now that I can get better, and that I will get better. I know that some time, hopefully soon, I will be completely happy. Im happy now, Im fine now, not depressed.

Im just going to keep moving, and you can stay. I really dont care anymore. Do what you want, what you think is best for you. I only know whats best for me.

So, I am saying Goodbye. something I dont do very often.



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nice entry. i like your colours, drop by mine sometime and feel free to leave a note!

“everything you say comes back to you someday.”

good for you, babe. the k- in “kerri”

*big sigh* I know you need to do this, but I can’t let you go without saying I miss u already. I want to respect your wishes and your privacy, but know you’re always welkom to keep in touch ok? You’re a wonderful person and I knew you can overcome anything…never a doubt about it. I am happy you found someone, and I hope your love grows deeply with each day. With luv, Rain_Child *hugs*

May 22, 2001

Well, I hope things work out for you, whatever you choose to do. It’s your right to do what you want to do, no matter what others thing ~ I’m just starting to learn that for myself. I wish you only the best.

no matter wut people are ALWAYS going to judge u, even if they dont kno anything about u. i dont kno wut this entrie was really about, but u cant live ur life to make other people happie, u have to do wut u think is rite at that moment, it might not work out in the long run, but if u did it any different, ud regret it. good luck w/ everything..i hope things work out the way u want them to. [fallen

wow…and i just found you..

I support your decision and I am glad you are happy. I wish the best for you. Doing what’s in your heart is what any of us could ask for. As long as it makes you happy do it, anything that you feel is right and makes you better inside. Hope you life a nice enjoyable life and thanks for your kind words at my time of need. take care ^_^

miss u

Hey, I saw that you updated, so came to see what you had written and found this. I must have missed this entry when I was in Memphis or Mississippi. You do what’s best for you, sweetie, but please know that I was one of the ones who really cared. Keep in touch, okay?

RYN: That would be lovely! You’re in St. Louis, right? I go through at least once a year, on my way back to Memphis for a visit!

goodbye, friend…i shall miss you. *hug*

you were one of my first faves…it’s tough to say ‘adios’. you know i wish you the best-you, and your man. be happy. smile. enjoy this world…it’s only a limited time we’re here, you know. *hug*

RYN: No, 2-3 times a week is not bad. Very normal, at your age, in fact. Just wait until you hit your 30’s though, girlie! Of course, I think maybe I am a little bit oversexed, so you may never get to 14 times a week! When are you planning to get married? NYAB, nsi