wisdom teeth.

yea..so what a great day. haha.

I had to wake up at 7am this morning..I had an 8am appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed.

My mom decided to let me just get all of them pulled. Which is a very good thing..cause had I only gotten two pulled..I would have never gone back for the other two.

It wasnt so bad. I’ll explain though.

I had a really bad headache before I went in..but I wasnt suppose to eat or drink anything 6 hours before so my mom also wouldnt let me take anything for my headahce.

Well we get there..and turns out I had to take out all my jewlery, earring, ring, belling ring, and tongue ring (i already knew that one).

So..yea..he gets the stuff to ‘put me to sleep’ and he takes my arm and puts this medal thing around it to keep it from moving.

And the next thing I remember is just asking him if it would hurt..and I didnt know they were giving me and IV so I was like..are you leaving that thing in me..and the next thing I know he asked me where I am going to school..I told him..and that was it.

*gets dizzy*

Um yea so..then I wake up when someone walks in the room..and says come this way..and there is this huge thing of gauze sticking out of my mouth with blood all over it.

I dont remember walking to the room..not at all..but I remember there being a couhc type thing a I spoted a blanket on the other side of the room..and I got it and wrapped it around me..weird.


I get home…and go to the bathroom to put my tongue ring back in..and I opened my mouth..and there is blood everywhere..coming out..on my lips mouth…

so I started bawling..I mean really crying hysterically..

and I walked out to the living room..and to the dining room..and I stopped and started crying so hard that I couldnt breathe..and I was shaking..

so my mom changed my gauze for me..and I kept crying..I picked my baby nephew up..and him and I sat in the rocker..him on my shoulder patting my back while I cried.

And cried and cried.

The thing is..I wasnt crying because my mouth or my teeth hurt. I had an extremely bad headache..and the blood..ick.

So my sister heard me crying and came and got my nephew..my mom let me take some tylenol..even though I wasnt suppose to. My brother went and baught me a shake..I ate it..then took my pain killers.

After that..I went to sleep..and when I woke up there was a pile of blood on my pillow and in my hair so I started crying again. So my mom came out to the living room and helped me..

and ive been doing pretty well since.. Im falling alseep though..and I am very dizzy so im going to go.

sorry about the ickie details.

Log in to write a note

aren’t moms the greatest?

HONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! that’s so awful! i’m so sorry, i hope you’re okay. I wish i could have been there for you, i should have been. good luck, i’ll pray for you. get better! i love you!!!!!-Kirk

oOh.. ~hugs~ im glad u got all 4 out n that it went ok. i cant wait to get it dun..hah. at least it wasnt as bad as u thought, i hope i feel the same about it. love you.

sweetie i am so sorry about that…feel better and hopefully once everything heals you won’t have to think about it ever again….Merry Christmas too…i am back to OD now

oh dear God! eeeeegh.. that mustve been so horrible! i hope you get better very very quickly!

I think you have been needing a good cry for a while now…glad you got it out. Hope you are better by now!