let it snow!

Did I ever say how much I love snow??

Its a crazy thing, cause if you read my entries from last year I absolutely hated snow with a passion.

I was kind of mad cause chicago got a blizzard (14 inches of snow) and we didnt. But we are getting ours today. 6-12 inches of snow. I’ll defenately settle with that.

I went to bed around like 8:30-9 last night. I was extremely tired. And overall felt like shit.

My sister called me at like 9:45 this morning, I was so pissed I wanted to sleep all day. But I called my boss type thing to find out if my kids (the ones i teach) school was opened..and its not. so YAY!!

But yea, I love this snow 🙂

What a great day, dont have to go anywhere or do anything. I wish I had gone and rented some movies last night, heheh.

yep yep yep.

I bored I dont know what to write. snow is great. haha.


ohhhh I talked to my sister yesterday. And I talked to nathan. And nathan told me he misses me and wants me to come home sooner. and he is so excited about being able to stay with me for the week I am home. HAHAH what? stay with me. No I dont think so, a couple days, sure..a week..no.

Aw but I love him. I cant wait to see him.

yep, so Im gonna go.

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Hey Girl, you changed the style of your diary, it looks good. Seems like you’re in a better mood. 🙂

*smiles* you and nathan have a good time together. you both deserve it. you know, i wish my college would cancel-we’ve had two blizzards in a week…*growls with disgust* i want time to make a snowman!

yay for our snow 🙂