hot chocolate.

i really love hot chocolate. especailly after a nice long walk in the cold. (wind chill, 10 degrees.) how lovely.

i went for a walk because i was upset, or something like that.

i think i am feeling better now. i guess i am anyway.

my sister called me this afternoon..

left me a message, “hey terri, we’re just calling to see what is up with you, call us”..

well i never did call them. i really dont feel like talking to them..but i suppose i will call them tomorrow.

i was just going to say i think i can finally stop talking to my friend, the one i talked about quite a few entries back. but well he just imed me.

my stomache hurts, maybe i drank my hot chocolate too fast.

my philosophy paper is due tomorrow. i hope i get a good grade on it. and i hope i did well on my test the other day.

i really dont like getting bad grades..but then a bad grade to me is less than a, because i know i can always do better.

i have a really bad headache. i think i will go to bed early tonight.

i have to organize my folder for class to turn it in. but i cant remember if we’re turning it in tomorrow..or monday after our final. ::thinks::

I have to be at school by 8 on monday. thats going to be very hard.

i would write more..but..theres just stuff i dont want to share with people. so i guess ill go write in my journal..

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hey-hope stuff gets better soon…good luck on philosophy 🙂

thanks for stopping by my diary.. I have not written in awhile because at the moment I am blocked. But will try again real soon.

Hot Chocolate kicks ass 🙂 Thanx 4 the note.. its nice to know another Girl Interrupted obsessed fan 🙂