::eats candie cane::

well, I bought a whole bunch of candie canes yesterday. And they taste really good too.

Anyway, so I got my ass up this morning and I went to my class. It was so bad. well, I guess it wasnt.

I learned that my philosophy paper actually wasnt due today. What is with me and getting these paper due dates wrong? I spent 3 hours writing that thing last night. BLAH.

I also had a test today. Rite before the test me and this gurl asked what it was on. Heheh. What a great sign that we were going to do well on it. Had I known what it was going to be on, I would have actually studied.

I got my old test back today. ::sigh:: yea. well I got a B. But I should have gotten an A. Had I studied for it, there would probably be a good chance I would have gotten an A. But..Im stuck with a B. I dont like B’s. Heheh. Yea Im a baby.

I think that philosophy paper overall turned out pretty well. Its all shit though.

I dont know what I want to do anymore. I mean I always knew I didnt want to spend my life working with children..but I wanted it to be a start to something better. Thing is, I really dont like the way this school teaches this. It just doesnt go with my beliefs on things..and It makes it really hard to do the work. And it is going to be very hard to work in lab like this.

I was thinking about taking some psychology classes..because psychology really interests me.

I dont know.

I wish it would snow more. I used to really hate snow when I lived in chicago. But it is so pretty. And its just, well…nice or something.

I really need to work on what the hell I am gonna do with my life.

Log in to write a note

I went nuts last night and bought lots of candy. My friend laughed and said that i was a deprived child. hehe.

*gently sighs* whatever you like to do. i am (somewhat) going through the same process…it’s not just something you find in a day, however-that’s what sucks, is all the time it takes. hoping for the best for ya–