nathan nephew calls me thurday morning crying hysterically. i didnt realize that he knew my moms number by heart..i mean he is only 5 and everything.

So I ask him what is wrong and he tells me that his mom is up in his room throwing away all his toys. So I asked him why, and he told me it was because he wouldnt clean up his room.

I sat on the phone with him sobbing trying to explain to him that he needs to make sure his room is clean..and when his mom asks him to clean it, he is the one he made the mess and he needs to pick it up.

Well my sister came down and got the phone from him, he didnt believe that she really threw away all his toys so he ran to his room to check it out. Sure enough every toy was in a garbage bag.

He comes running back down, I can hear him in the background, crying like someone had just ripped a limb off of him. “She really did throw away every one of my toys, the only thing left is my bed, my dresser, tv and vcr, ” then he yells,”Im moving to my terris house and thats it, Im going to pack.” My sister responded to that with, “have fun nathan, make sure you dont forget to pack anything”.

She stayed on the phone with me, while he ran upstairs to “pack” his things to move here. Well..she decided to get off the phone with me to go check and see what he was up to. She calls me back a couple minutes later talking about how he really had everything he owned in a back and he said, “alrite mom help me take my things to the car, lets go..I got everything.” And he did have everything, every article of clothing he owned.

My sister told me that I need to tell him he couldnt live with me..and I told her no. She is the one that told him to make sure that he had everything, and that he did. Now she needs to explain to him why he cant move out.

She told him that she would miss him..and he told her..well thats okay cause I will come visit you once or twice a month. And then he said..”lets go, get alexis readie and take my to my grandmas”.

Later when he decided to help her put all the toys back, he told her not to touch his back of “things” because he was still moving here.

So his things are in a bag ready to be moved.

Poor child.

What can you do?

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*sad sigh* all you can do is be there for the boy, and love him. it sounds like he doesn’t get a lot of love at home…how sad, how really sad. and he sounds so smart…one of life’s things, i guess…(cont.)

i remember when you had that big entry about this situation…it’s so obvious that you love this boy dearly. and that’s so wonderful to see, and good for him…and hell for you, because your hands are tied (cont.)

by all these circumstances…all i can say is, shower the boy with love and, well…hope for the best. *hug of encouragement* i hope for the best for you, and your family….

Just love the boy honey, that’s all you can do. My heart just breaks for him…and for you, loving him and not being able to do a lot more just now.

sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, babe.