
They released my Dad from the hospital yesterday. Apparently his lung did not collapse as my stepmother originally told me although the rib did poke a hole in his lung which has to heal. He’s supposed to go home and rest.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my shoulder. She wanted me to do some physical therapy. But told her I wanted to try to keep icing it and doing the home exercises. I’ve been doing the exercises but not diligently. I will try to do better and go back in 3 weeks.

Other than my shoulder things are good. My biopsy came back negative, I still have my house and it looks like my Dad is going to be OK. Plus, it’s a 3 day weekend! Woohoo!!

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May 24, 2013

So glad your Dad is doing ok. I have trouble doing things that I’m supposed to do for my health also! Hope your shoulder gets better and you don’t have to resort to PT!

Whew. What a relief all around.

Sounds everything is on the upswing!

May 24, 2013

Good news! Have a great holiday weekend.

That sounds so painful for your Dad! I’m glad he’s okay.

May 25, 2013

Yay! Enjoy your weekend!!