Grumpy Old Man Valentines

In which our Hero is surly to the party and has some poetry to get of his chest.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My internet is still fucked
But at least I can..*73#+m…m.. ..>CARRIER DROPPED

Roses are red,
coffee is brown
mmm caffeine, and chocolate
I miss you guysSNZZzzzzzz

Roses are red,
and midnight is black
like the heart of my ex
and a good espresso

A rose walks into a bar. Bartender says, We don’t serve roses here. Rose says, “I wasn’t going to order any, did you think I was a Cannibal?”

Made that up on the spot I did.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some idiot misnamed them
and I’m asking who.

Can I be honest here? I think Valentine’s Day is a crock. I think it’s a good concept to dedicate a day to your special someone, but by orchestrating it to a single day, it just creates overwhelming pressure and this absurd demand because *everybody* is doing the same thing on the same day.

I like to counter program. The little I remember from my absurd engineering economics course includes the basic fact of supply and demand. Increase demand for a fixed supply of flowers/restaurant seats and the price goes up. If you took your coupley day and put it any other week, pretty much, the same circumstance is half the price.

But the flip side is that I don’t want to ever create the impression that the celebration is not important to me. I think the artificial holiday is artificial, but the sentiment that it’s trying to artificially stoke is real.

So I can’t win because I’m rooting for both sides.

Roses are cold
Violets are too
Is winter over?
cause my feet are blue.


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February 14, 2013

xxo to you and yours!

February 14, 2013


I really liked that last one!

February 15, 2013

Roses come in all colors. So all those poems are incorrect. But I love you anyway. The End.

happy valentines day after…

February 15, 2013

My valentines are my Grandchildren. Can’t ask for better than that. Love,

I just think February 14th is a day designed to make single people feel like crap..or perhaps I’m just bitter. ;p