Title Size

It would seem as though there’s a maximum limit when it comes to the number of characters used in your title.  I can understand that for initial OD main page formatting, but I can’t really say that I like it so much when it comes to artistic freedom.  I mean, suppose I wanted to be a pretentious writer and have my title be something like –

While the stars still shine, mere relatively microscopic metaphors of our own sun, singing our significance in the grand scheme of all, there exists a beast who shouts…
" I ! " at the heart of the world.

(kudos to those who get the reference)

Anyway, I have about 44 days sober from alcohol, which is amazing.  I have no idea how I accomplished that feat – but I’m guessing it was probably a large part to do with A.A.  I am really proud of myself, and expect that I will maintain this habit – of sobriety. (at least from alcohol)

So apparently, I have some type of depressed overmind that takes over my body when I’m transitioning from sleeping to waking and manages to press the snooze button on 5 alarms every 5 minutes for 2 hours with me having no recollection of doing so whatsoever.  This is greatly disturbing – considering I have no IDEA what this overmind does aside from hit the snooze button.  It reminds me of blacking out somewhat, and I can only take solace in the fact that I’m hopefully too tired to do anything incredibly embarassing – like wrap myself up in my late grandfather’s funeral flag, or pee all over my clean clothes.  My socks smell like detergent, so either I haven’t been peeing on them or there’s something INCREDIBLY awry with my excretory system.

Socks aside, I need to figure out how to elevate my (delighted) anticipation of the coming day in the hopes that my waking self will bitch slap the depressive inter-sleep-awake overmind and seize the day.  I just said seize the day, *sigh*.  Regardless, I need to actuate this desire, and soon – otherwise my disgust and self-defeat at not attaining said wakefulness will overpower any attempt I might make at acheiving it, and despite my proficiency at writing run on sentences, the simple fact is that I need to look forward to my day.

so really, I need to WAKE THE FUCK UP.

(that was inadvertently deep)

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February 16, 2010

hahaha. I do the same with sleeping in. I recently read an article on hypersomnia. Could this be the culprit?

April 3, 2010

Meh, wish I was as “well worded” as you. I feel like I used to have a brain in here, some where, that would actually make thoughts. I wonder where it went… Yeah. I know. That’s thinking, and that’s done by the brain. ::Feels stupid for trying to talk::