Sweet Dreams
It’s a dark and thundery night. I can dimly hear the thud of a cupboard door being closed, and the clatter of dishes being hurried into their place. My eyes are pleading with me to close, so they can at last, have that long-awaited breather. My feet are raw and aching from continuous neglect. But, the rain has subsided, the wind is retiring, and best of all the dishes have stopped clattering. My feet still hurt like never before but, perhaps a long, soothing massage would do them good. I could very well lament, and bemoan pety difficulties, but what use is it if I cannot change them? Instead, there are books to be savoured, and relished, and the thought of seeing all of my friends in one place, very soon. Amidst all that changes, these are the 2 constants in my life. That, and my beyond maddening family. I’m starting to really realize how tired I am when I can’t recall how to spell amidst. Good, deep, and wonderful sleep can have such a brilliant effect on you. Maybe I should give it a try,
Sweet dreams,