Thursday, 5/4/12.

Well, I said yesterday I’d be happy if I got the first coat of paint on the walls by 3pm annnnd … I got two walls done. That painting malarky is hard work!

In my defence, I chose the fiddliest wall to start with (radiator and window) and that took me two hours alone. Anyway, I kicked myself out of bed at 8:30am this morning to crack on with finishing the other two walls, and then because I was on a roll I did a second coat of paint on the two from yesterday as well, so I’m feeling rather accomplished now! 

It’ll obviously need at least another coat of white (and the radiator won’t be blue) but it looks a hell of a lot better than yesterday.


I’m working my usual 4 – 7:45pm shift this evening, hoping I can pick up some bargains from the reduced section. We’ve got some right goodies before; mince for 60p, lamb chops for 80p, salmon down from £4 to 40p and the best of all, a Finest joint of beef that should have been £12.60 for £1.06! It’s fab, because we just chuck it all in the freezer and defrost it the night before we want it. Plus, being staff, I usually get dibs on the meat before the customers 😉

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